The MuSé is working with the municipality of Trooz to renovate vertical signage: savings, safety and aesthetics
How is this collaboration organised?
The renovation of a road sign is either requested by the local authority from the MuSé, or the MuSé suggests it spontaneously. In each case, the renovation work is only started with the agreement of the local authority, and more specifically the Alderman for Works.
When a sign merits renovation, the MuSé and the local authority consult each other to determine the feasibility of the work; in some cases, the work is too extensive and the decision is taken to replace the sign.
If manual intervention by the MuSé proves to be a very feasible option, then the work is scheduled.
The MuSé has a number of unique stencils that are used to manually reproduce, for example, the pictograms on the signs. The pictograms are faithful reproductions of the usual signs. We use retroreflective films and coloured overlays.
When the various pictograms are ready for use, the work is carried out in the field. We always try to spread the work evenly across the municipality.
Work done
August 2023, Rue Au Thier, Forêt.
Complete cleaning of the signal and installation of a new road narrowing pictogram in black adhesive vinyl.
Work done
August 2023, Rue Au Thier, Forêt.
Complete cleaning of the signal and installation of a new road narrowing pictogram in black adhesive vinyl.